good to know / FAQ

Good to know about

You may contact via email, phone, direct message or meet in person in my showroom and discuss order details and needs.

Due to the fragile flowers, regular post or delivery or services are not recommended. You may pick up the packages in my showroom or inform me about special delivery needs during the order discussion. (In case of interest, local delivery solution will be available in Norway soon.)

Store the flowers in dry, regular room-temperatured place and try to avoid direct sun or fridge.

Eating or not
Not recomended to eat these flowers – even they are made of edible sugarpaste, may contain non-edible accessories (and wires inside).

you should know – photos and content

Photos and content published on website are owned by Eszter Kanyári and unauthorized use or publication, or exploitation of text, images or content of this website is prohibited.


Good to know about / Useful informations

You may contact via email, phone, direct message or meet in person in my showroom…


Media Actualities & Cooperations

A Rákellenes Világnapot (World Cancer Day) 2000 óta minden év Február 4-én tartják meg - a világnap és a hozzá kapcsolódó kampányok célja a figyelemfelhívás és a cselekvésre szólítás. „Catalina Anghel azúcar'arte” immár hatodik éve szervezte meg a „World Cancer Day Sugarflowers and Cakes in Bloom” együttműködést.

A Rákellenes Világnapot (World Cancer Day) 2000 óta minden év Február 4-én tartják…